About Us

Our cutting-edge platform is the answer to all your event planning struggles! Whether you're organizing a corporate conference, a community gathering, or a personal milestone celebration, we make planning easy for everyone. Say goodbye to the time-wasting and tiring methods of conventional event planning and hello to a pleasurable and efficient experience with our innovative platform!

About us

Amass envisions a future where event organization transcends all possible barriers. We aspire to be the leading platform that streamlines the orchestration of diverse events. Our vision is to make Amass the go-to destination , where the entire event journey unfolds seamlessly, ensuring that every detail is curated with simplicity and precision.


Empower individuals, communities and organizers from Armenia by providing Amass, a versatile platform designed to streamline event planning, from personal milestones to cultural and community gatherings. Our mission is to simplify the organizational process and enhance the overall experience of events , contributing to the creation of memorable moments and stronger community bonds.

Construct your day!

You are assembling a puzzle. Piece together your idea.

Unveiling the Powerhouse Features of Our Event Planning Marvel

Local Company Integration:

Users can discover and collaborate with nearby catering services, photographers, florists, venues, and other essential vendors. This not only simplifies the planning process but also supports local businesses. Armenian means quality!